Net Worth Calculators

Are you struggling to figure out your net worth? Why not try a free online calculator to help you with this process? Your net worth is all your assets (real estate, automobiles, stocks, cash and other accounts) minus the value of any debts you owe (credit card debt, mortgage, student and other loans)

Try a free online calculator to figure out your net worth now!

  • NerdWallet Visit Calculator
  • Bankrate Visit Calculator
  • Kiplinger Visit Calculator
  • Forbes Visit Calculator
  • Personal Capital Visit Calculator
  • Ameriprise Visit Calculator
  • Intuit MintLife Visit Calculator
  • American Institute of Certified Public Accountants Visit Calculator
  • Small Business Trends Visit Calculator
  • Ramsey Visit Calculator
Total Calculators: 10

What does net worth mean?

Net worth can apply to companies or individuals. Put simply, it is the value of all assets owned, taking away all current outstanding liabilities. The more assets you have, the higher your net worth. Similarly, the more liability (debts) you have, the lower your net worth.

Can net worth be negative?

If the total value of your liabilities exceeds the total value of your assets, you have a negative net worth. It is not uncommon for businesses to have negative net worth when starting up as they take on lots of debt to fund growth. Similarly, if you are a student with a student loan or have just taken out a mortgage, you may also have a negative net worth.

How is net worth calculated?

Calculating net worth is simple. First, sum all your total assets. Next, sum all your total liabilities. From this, subtract total liabilities from the total value of your assets, and you should now have your net worth.

What is the formula for net worth?

Net Worth Formula

Is net worth public information?

Net worth is not public. While you can find many famous people's 'net worth' in online publications, these are general estimations based on information people have made public or researched.

What should your net worth be at each age?

Your net worth will change as you grow older. Generally, your net worth grows as you become older and acquire more assets. However, this completely depends on your situation, how you maintain and invest your savings, and how much debt you take on.

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